
Monday, March 7, 2011

The beginning (and the end)!

This hopefully will be the last diet I am ever on :-) I have done many in the past. Just recently I did NutriSystem. I actually lost a little over 30 pounds but gained it all and then some back. Right now, I am at my heaviest ever. I have learned in the last few months that I go way overboard with food choices when I am stressed. I am a mother of a baby with cystic fibrosis, so I need to get this under control now. There are many stressful moments in my future! I am going back to Weight Watchers as I think this is the most doable way to lose weight and one that I would likely be able to follow the rest of my life since it is not restricting the types of foods I can eat. I lost about 40 pounds doing Weight Watchers after I had my middle child. So, today is the beginning! Hopefully this blog will help me stay on track!